Are you thinking about getting your close person a gift for his birthday, graduation or some kind of celebration, or do you want to surprise your loved one on a special occasion? The Colorful Carnation Bouquet is perfect for this. It is bright and colorful, interesting and truly beautiful. This carnation bouquet consists of three colors. The colors themselves are chosen at the time of ordering, depending on our available stock, but if you would like specific colors that the recipient may like, please contact us and we will try to find the most suitable and special option for you. The carnations are tied in a single composition, which is bound around a flower-matching ribbon, which provides the bouquet uniqueness. The price of the bouquet depends on the amount of flowers in it, which you can choose when ordering a bouquet. The smallest bouquet we can make is out of 9 carnation flowers, but if you want an exquisite bouquet that will make everyone happy you can choose as many as 101 carnation flowers. Our courier delivers flowers in Vilnius and in the surrounding areas, so if the recipient lives there, order a bouquet of carnations and be amazed by the attention shown.
Carnation bouquet “Colorful”
Carnation is one of the most elegant flower, it can be used to create a unique gift for your loved ones. We usually choose the colors of the flowers ourselves, depending on the stock of them we have at the time. The ribbon is adjusted according to the colors of the petals.
We choose the color of the carnation according to what we have in the store at the time of ordering.
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